"Visualizing biological interactions in cells and cellular compartments"
20-21 October 2024
Documents: EVENT FLYER
"Più in alto degli dei"
24 September 2024
Colloque on the book by Marco Crescenzi with Cinzia Rinaldo (IBPM)
"XI BEEM Symposium"
30 September 2024
PhD School in Biology and Medicine Molecular, University la Sapienza
Ludovica Altieri, Gaia Fattorini - IBPM
Documents: EVENT FLYER
"ORIGINI: dal micro al macrocosmo - dialogo interdisciplinare sulla genesi della complessità"
20 April 2024
Documents: EVENT FLYER
"Immunologia: il fascino della diversità"
23 October-9 November 2023
IBPM contributed to the 100-year celebration of CNR with an immunology exhibition, curated by Francesca Di Rosa, Fabrizio Antonangeli and Gabriele Favaretto together with colleagues of the CNR Immunology Network (CIN). More than 1000 students from middle and high schools had the opportunity to visit the exhibition so far!
Curated by:
Francesca Di Rosa, Responsible curator, IBPM, CNR
Fabrizio Antonangeli, Interactive activities, IBPM, CNR
Luisa Bracci-Laudiero, Digital gallery, IFT, CNR
Scientific contributions:
Maria Rosaria Coscia, IBBC, CNR
Piergiuseppe De Berardinis, IBBC, CNR
Technical-scientific support:
Gabriele Favaretto, IBPM, CNR
CNR Headquarters, Piazzale Aldo Moro 7, Rome
Opening dates: 24 october - 9 november
Free guided tour
Booking at: mostracin.centenario@cnr.it
12-15 Giugno 2023
Welcome to VII Congress of the Italian Society of Astrobiology
Finally, we have the chance to bring our community together in a meeting which represents the most important opportunity to share the research of the Italian Society of Astrobiology.
This year the meeting venue will be a beautiful and historical hall inside the main building of the Italian Research Council (CNR).
Meeting topics will cover the main fields of modern astrobiology: from prebiotic chemistry to origin of life, from astrochemistry to astrophysics, from life in extreme environments to evolutionary planetology and to geosphere and biosphere interaction, from biosignatures to habitability of Earth-like exoplanets and to novel technological tools for astrobiology.
We hope that this meeting will be a first step towards a broad and constructive discussion on the future of astrobiology in Italy.
Looking forward to your attendance
The organizing committee
Giovanna Costanzo
Ernesto Di Mauro
Raffaele Saladino
Documents: EVENT FLYER
"Course: The ancient DNA revolution: from the initial attempts to the Nobel Prize"
Sala Pancrazi, Centro Convegni S. Agostino, Via Guelfa 40
For more information, contact eugenia.datanasio@uniroma1.it
Documents: EVENT FLYER
"IBPM @ European Research Night 2021"
25 September 2021, 6pm - 11pm
A scientist's experiment! Participants will be involved in a simple but scientifically rigorous experiment. In fact, participants will extract their own DNA as a "bow" ready to be picked and put in a bottle. What for? Take it with ou to remind yourself how amazing science is. (see general program of the European Research Night 2021 event, on page 11)
IBPM-CNR event organization for the ERN2021: Giovanna Costanzo, Angela Cirigliano, Teresa Colombo e Alessandra Guidi
Documents: EVENT FLYER
"IBPM @ European Biotech Week 2021"
28 September 2021, 10 - 12
The proposed activity includes an educational game with discussion and reflections on the covid-19 pandemic, which began in March 2020 and is still ongoing. In particular, the activity aims to explain to children with simple but cientifically rigorous language some words that have become the protagonists of their lives in recent months (coronavirus, covid-19, pandemic, tampon, vaccine, lockdown, mask, sanitizer). As well as to discuss together the emotions hat accompany these words and that we have experienced during this pandemic. The activity is offered to children of two different age groups (3-6 years and 10-12), keeping both the theme (covid-19 pandemic) and the scheme (didactic ame with discussion), but varying the modality game proposed to adapt it to the age range of the participants.(see general program of the European Biotech Week 2021 event, on page 34)
IBPM-CNR event organization for the EBW2021: Teresa Colombo, Alessandra Guidi, Giovanna Costanzo, Angela Cirigliano, Cecilia Mannironi, Cinzia Pisani, Erica Salvati
2) "Extract your DNA… and take it away in a necklace!"
DNA extraction laboratory offered to middle school children. Once extracted from the student, the DNA will then be transferred into a small cruet and transformed into one necklace to take home as a souvenir of the lab experience. (see general program of the European Biotech Week 2021 event, on page 35)
IBPM-CNR event organization for the EBW2021: Giovanna Costanzo, Angela Cirigliano, Teresa Colombo, Alessandra Guidi, Cecilia Mannironi, Erica Salvati
Documents: EVENT FLYER
"IBPM-EBRI Joint Meeting"
14-15 July 2021, 09:45
Documents: event flyer
"Giornate Romane di Immunologia"
22 April 2021, 15:00
Documents: event flyer
"Incontri al DSB - I pomeriggi dell’Immunologia"
15 April 2021 - 13 July 2021, 16:00
Documents: event flyer
"Giornate Romane di Immunologia"
1 December 2020, 15:00
Documents: event flyer
"A spasso nel tuo Genoma"
30 September2020, 10-17
Streaming Event: https://live.cnr.it/liveMultimedia.html
Documents: EVENT FLYER
“First Virtual SIBBM Covid-19 Seminar"
https://www.sibbm.org/news.php#200720 (videos of the talks)
Documents: event program
“Giornata inaugurale Instruct-ITALIA"
Centro Congressi CNR del Polo Scientifico
10 february 2020
Via Madonna del Piano, 10
50019 Sesto Fiorentino (FI)
Documents: event program
Sapienza University of Rome, Sala Odeion, P.le A. Moro 5 - 00185 Roma
10 october 2019
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche , Sala Convegni, P.le A. Moro 7 - 00185 Roma
11 october 2019
“CRYO-ELECTRON MICROSCOPY IN STRUCTURAL BIOLOGY: paving the way towards precision biomedicine and biotechnology"
a conference in memory of Emilia Chiancone
Documents: event_flyer
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
CNR Conference Center
Via Ceselle
Anacapri, Capri island (Naples, Italy), 8-10 october 2019
“Microbes, Immunity and Cancer”
Documents: course_flyer
"Walking in your Genome"
24 September 2019, 10-17
Roma, Università Sapienza, P.le A. Moro 5 - 00185 Roma, Aula A “Carlo Marino Zuco” di Clinica Ortopedica (edificio CU016)
" European Biotech Week 2019"
23-29 September 2019
"Giornata Romana di Immunologia"
12 July 2019
Piazzale Aldo Moro, 7 , Roma
Ingresso via dei Marrucini
Documents: event flyer
IBPM patronage to the annual meeting "Future in research!", organized by PhDs and young researchers in Chemistry at Sapienza University
25 and 26 June 2019
Dipartimento di Chimica
Sapienza Università, p.le A. Moro 5, Roma
Documents: event program, event flyer
"L'Astrobiologia: dall'origine della vita alla moderna esplorazione spaziale"
16 april 2019
Liceo Tasso, Via Sicilia 168 - 00187 ROMA
Documents: event flyer
“Molecular characterization of enzymes involved in vitamin B1- and B6-dependent epilepsies”
Conferenza del progetto congiunto RFBR-CNR sullo studio delle epilessie dipendenti dal deficit di vitamina B
4 Marzo 2019, Dipartimento di Scienze Biochimiche, Univeristà La Sapienza
Documents: programma evento
“Computational analysis of protein-protein interactions: Sequences, networks and diseases”
05-10 november 2018
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Piazzale Aldo Moro 7, Rome
Full details at: meetings.embo.org/event/18-protein-protein
Documents: course_flyer
12-15 october 2018
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
CNR Conference Center
Via Ceselle
Anacapri, Capri island (Naples, Italy)
Documents: course_flyer