• Istituto di Biologia e Patologia Molecolari

The Institute of Molecular Biology and Pathology (IBPM) develops research in fundamental biology, with biotechnological applications in biomedicine, the environment and agrifood using interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary approaches.

IBPM laboratories are hosted within Sapienza University of Rome




Teresa Colombo

go to video


‘Immunology: the charme of diversity’

23 october - 9 november 2023
CNR headquarters, Roma

The COVID-19 I-book

A project co-edited by Barbara Illi and Valeria Poli
go to: Barbara Illi’s interview





MISSION    The IBPM develops research in the following areas

  • Structural bases of protein and nucleic acid function, particularly in regulation of the expression of genes and genomes, of structural and regulatory proteins, and of molecules involved in the immune response;
  • Molecular mechanisms of evolution and differentiation in animal and plants and biotechnological and biomedical applications;
  • Design, synthesis, biosynthesis, purification and characterization of biologically active molecules: development of innovative chemical and molecular methods; characterization of their mechanisms of action; implications in human health.


Vaccination, a time machine
Royal Society Summer Exhibition 2024, Londra
Francesca Di Rosa


RNA society award
Best poster in the SIBBM Symposium 2024 - Frontiers in Molecular Biology
Silvia Gasparini

Tom Wahlig Foundation for spastic hereditary paraplegy
Francesca Sardina

DSB-CNR awards to starting scientists
Eugenia D'Atanasio
Anna Frappaolo

go to awards


Using art and history to communicate immunology to a broad audience
Francesca Di Rosa, Nat Rev Immunol 2024

Structure-based mechanism of riboregulation of the metabolic enzyme SHMT1.

Spizzichino S, et al. Mol Cell. 2024

The beta-arrestin1/endothelin axis bolsters ovarian fibroblast-dependent invadosome activity and cancer cell metastatic potential

Del Rio, Masi et al.  Cell Death Dis.   2024 May 24

The alpha-tubulin acetyltransferase ATAT1: structure, cellular functions, and its emerging role in human diseases
Iuzzolino, Pellegrini et al. Cell Mol Life Sci 2024, April 23

HD-Zip II transcription factors control distal stem cell fate in Arabidopsis roots by linking auxin signaling to the FEZ/SOMBRERO pathway
Marco Possenti, et al. Development 2024 Apr 15

Nose-to-brain selective drug delivery to glioma via ferritin-based nanovectors reduces tumor growth and improves survival rate.
Marrocco F, et al. Cell Death Dis. 2024 Apr 13

Cul-4 inhibition rescues spastin levels and reduces defects in hereditary spastic paraplegia models.
Sardina F, et al. Brain. 2024 Mar 29

Fragment Merging, Growing, and Linking Identify New Trypanothione Reductase Inhibitors for Leishmaniasis.
Exertier C, et al.. J Med Chem. 2024 Jan 11

The genomic echoes of the last Green Sahara on the Fulani and Sahelian people
E. D'Atanasio et al. Curr Biology 2023

HAX1 is a novel binding partner of Che-1/AATF. Implications in oxidative stress cell response
Pisani C et al. Biochim Biophys Acta Mol Cell Res. 2024 Jan